The use of the appropriate pneumatic plugs or stoppers is recognized as the safest way to control the flow in gravity sewer lines or perform tests in conduits.
The use of the appropriate pneumatic plugs or stoppers is recognized as the safest way to control the flow in gravity sewer lines or perform tests in conduits. Unlike mechanical plugs, they can be positioned and inflated from a safe distance. However, everybody must be aware that there are always potential dangers in plugging live conduits or performing tests, especially air tests, even when using the best inflatable plugs.
We try to lessen the risks by manufacturing stronger and safer plugs, keeping a severe quality control, providing with every Securimax inflatable pipe plug sold, its own information leaflet, a kind of logbook which describes the features of the plug , explains how to maintain it and use it safely and also provides a form to record the periodic inspections and tests.